Becky Russell Counseling, LLC
Child, Adolescent, and Adult
Trauma Therapy
Child and Adolescent Counseling
Becky utilizes The Comprehensive Resource Model intertwined with experiential modalities of play, sand tray, art, music, etc, (the language of children/adolescents) to target specific issues and promote healing. Becky will meet with you and your child to determine treatment needs, goals and what works best for your child.
Becky works with both children and adolescents and treats a variety of trauma issues including:
Abuse (neglect, emotional, sexual, physical)
Attachment Disruption/Child-Parent Relationship Issues
Dissociation (somatic, OSDD, DID)
Witnessing of traumatic events (domestic violence, accidents)
Psycho-education (safety skills, assertiveness skills, etc)
Yes, Children Can Have Heavy Dissociation/DID
Children who have survived experiences which were frightening, or experiences where their basic needs for survival and connection were not met, are vulnerable to dissociating as a way of coping.
Dissociation is a survival mechanism, and one that is so often overlooked in traumatized children.
For more information, please visit the following site:
When possible (especially with young children), Becky involves the parent/caregiver in treatment with the child to the extent that it is therapeutically appropriate.
Becky also incorporates parenting/caregiver sessions, where the parent/caregiver attends individual sessions in order to address issues surrounding parenting/caregiving.
Adult Individual Counseling
Becky utilizes The Comprehensive Resource Model® (CRM) to treat trauma and dissociation in adults.
For more information on what CRM is, please view the video below:
Trauma & CRM Therapy
Symptoms, addictions, relationship problems, behavioral challenges are the presenting problems that bring people to therapy and doctor’s offices. These are considered defense responses that follow the profoundly difficult emotions that are too much to experience. Terror, grief, rage, shame, pain, and disgust are the feelings that we try to avoid feeling throughout our life. Our mind buries these feelings. Our defense responses, or symptoms, not only protect us from feeling this intolerable pain, but in the CRM therapy process give us information about the true cause or root issue resulting from the truth of our life.
The truth of our life is:
- What happened (to us)
- What didn’t happen that should have happened
- Conflicts and paradoxical feelings about needing/loving/trusting people that hurt us
- How our life has been influenced by these things
These truths create emotional pain, fear or threat that can be intolerable or unbearable. Because our nervous system cannot allow us to feel that pain fully and completely, our brains make sure that we have ways to avoid those painful feelings and we call these defense responses. They are actually the symptoms mentioned above that bring us to therapy and are driven by the need to fight, flight, freeze, hide, avoid, submit or dissociate from those experiences and the pain that goes with them. In the CRM process, we are guiding the client to access within themselves the resources of their mind, body and spirit that makes feeling painful feelings possible. When we can feel the most painful things completely, and step into the pain fully, the need for our defense responses (symptoms, addictions, etc.) are no longer needed. Our nervous system does not need to avoid, fight, hide or bury the things that have influenced how we have operated and related to ourselves and to others.
Breathing, connection to our history with nature, our instinctual ability to connect and attach to ourselves or others, and the ability to really feel a connection to our physical body allows us to feel safe enough to truly feel deeply to release that pain and terror. For the times when the fear keeps us from being able to develop these resources, the CRM therapist will guide you through these obstacles. CRM clears out the sludge and debris that keeps us from re-membering who we really are, the us that is not defined from our pain and history.
(*Copyright CRM LLC 2017)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is a long-term medical diagnosis that is the result of experiencing trauma or a series of traumatic events. It’s important to note that not everyone who experienced trauma will develop PTSD. PTSD is chronic, meaning it can last long after the event occurred.
Common Symptoms of PTSD include:
Poor emotional control
Sleep disturbances including nightmares
Experiencing unwanted negative thoughts
Hypervigilance or always being on guard
Withdrawal or social isolation
Loss of interest in things you used to enjoy
Feeling numb
Feeling detached from your body or your surroundings
Risky or self-destructive behaviors like drinking too much, eating disorders, substance abuse, and codependency
Complex Trauma or C-PTSD
Complex trauma is the result of being exposed to long-term trauma. Frequently, individuals who have complex trauma felt like there was no way out or no hope that things will get better. Often, complex trauma stems from childhood abuse, neglect, attachment disruption, etc., but it isn't always limited to childhood issues. It can also come from being in combat, long-term relationships where domestic violence is present, or from enduring human trafficking.
Symptoms of Complex PTSD or C-PTSD look very similar to the ones listed above. But the symptoms can be more intense and cause long-term difficulties in your life.
Dissociation or Dissociative Identity Disorder
Becky has specialized training in helping individuals (both adults and children/adolescents) who experience multiple forms of dissociation, including OSDD and Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Dissociation is best understood as a coping skill. It is a form of compartmentalization that occurs. It can offer a separation between a person’s thoughts, memory, emotions, body, perception of self and others, behaviors, and sense of self.
After experiencing trauma and/or PTSD, the mind can dissociate as a means of protecting itself against thoughts and emotions that would have been too difficult to process.
Dissociative Identity Disorder was formerly called multiple personality disorder. This diagnosis unfortunately has not been represented well in the media, making it difficult for others to seek support for dissociation. DID is a way that a person has adapted to ongoing trauma and offers the ability to function in the day-to-day as best as is possible.
Dissociative Identity Disorder is characterized by:
The presence of two or more distinct identities or personalities,
memory loss or gaps in memory
significant distress that negatively impacts quality of life.
Group Counseling
Becky co-leads trauma-related groups on a regular basis. Topics include:
~Comprehensive Resource Model Themes
Please call or email for more information.